Tell us a bit about yourself:
Where do I start? I have been interested in sport and exercise all my life. My dad was a Leisure Centre Manager and personal coach, so my sister and I grew up, practically, in the sport centre! I have done a variety of sports since I was little. These range from: Horse Riding, athletics, Ice skating, swimming, Rugby, Badminton, Netball, Cycling, Bhangra classes, Running Marathons, and general core fitness. I love to feel active.
Why did you become a BBX Fitness instructor?
I absolutely love the music and moves! As soon as I hear it I start to bounce. Its very infectious and fun. I’ve been a teacher since 2004 so I’m used to leading classes, and thought that I would love to do this. Bally has been a power of strength and support in helping me become a BBX Instructor. I really enjoy the classes, as the people that come are just the best people. I really want to see everyone improve their fitness and enjoy being active.
What difference has Bhangra Fitness made to you physically and mentally?
Everyone in the classes that I attended is so friendly, it’s lovely to feel a part of something. The fitness element helps with the natural positive feeling, releasing endorphins, and allowing me to do nothing but live in the moment of Bhangra each week. I also enjoy the social side of Bhangra too.
How does Bhangra make you feel?
Amazing! I feel energized, fit and exhausted all in one. This tells me I’ve worked hard, but had a great time.
Why should people do Bhangra Fitness as a way of getting fit and healthy?
The moves are great, the music is just infectious and fabulous, the people are very friendly, and because you do themes in weeks 0f 10, you notice improvements each week, comparing your recovery and general feeling. On Average I Burn off 550 calories each session.
What are your superpowers?
Ah, well, I wish I could fly or lift buildings… but I can’t :0)
However, Inspiring others to find their joy! Knowing I’ve worked hard or have found a ‘feel good factor’ at the end of any session energises me.
What’s your pet hate?
I cannot stand people dropping litter!
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Definitely an afternoon nap :0) And it’s proven to be good for your heart!
Marmite: Hate it of love it?
Absolutely NOT! Lemon Curd YES!
Pineapple on pizza: Yes or No?
‘Netflix and chill’ or posh restaurant?
There is always room for both. x
Name one thing about you that would really surprise people
In 2016 I went to Berlin an took part in the inline skate marathon on the Saturday afternoon in 2hrs, then on the Sunday morning I ran the Marathon and got a PB! (Distance for each event 26.2 miles).
What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?
Loyal, Honest, Determined