My Strength Training Journey
Everyone knows me as “the Bhangra lady”, but I also love another form of exercise – weight training! I started weight training in my late-20’s and it was not long before I saw the benefits. I felt stronger, leaner and fitter almost instantaneously and the challenges of reaching for items on top shelves, lifting bulky things and manoeuvring about swiftly became things of the past, with the reduction in weight. I was never obese, but I had been overweight when I was younger and I’d never been slim or toned. With weight training, a svelte size 10 body emerged from the shadows and this type of exercise became a permanent part of my weekly timetable!
For years I did a weekly weight training class covering the key muscle groups that supported my legs, back, arms, chest, stomach and shoulders. It was hard and pushed me to develop the interior supporting structure of my body and skeleton; it also had significant exterior impact (I simply looked better) – a double whammy!
Benefits of Strength Training
Strength training has so many benefits, in fact the American Cancer Society lists the top 5 key benefits which can be achieved in two or three 20-30 mins sessions every week, as follows:
- Increased muscle mass: Muscle mass naturally decreases with age, but strength training can help reverse the trend.
- Stronger bones: Strength training increases bone density and reduces the risk of fractures.
- Joint flexibility: Strength training helps joints stay flexible and can reduce the symptoms of arthritis.
- Weight control: As you gain muscle, your body begins to burn calories more easily, making it easier to control your weight.
- Balance: Strengthening exercises can increase flexibility and balance as people age, reducing falls and injuries.
I can resonate with all of these and I continued with strength training through both of my pregnancies. I was asked if I carried the babies in rucksacks (lol), however my secret was the magic of strength training before, during and after the pregnancies that helped me to bounce-back so easily and quickly. Aches and pains post-pregnancy were also alleviated with strength training, more so second time around due to muscle memory. Fitness professionals often talk about ‘muscle memory’ and the fact that it’s never lost. The Journal of Physiology found evidence to suggest “these new nuclei are never lost; resistance training induces permanent physiological changes to your muscle fibres” (Mens Health Magazine) and “all these adaptations become ingrained physiologically.” (Womens Health Magazine). Basically, the more you train, the easier it becomes – and the easier it is to get back into training after taking a break.
“But I’ll Get Too Many Muscles!”
One of the biggest concerns women have about weight training is the fear that it will give them big, bulky ‘bodybuilder-style’ muscular frames. Nothing could be further from the truth. You will only develop large muscles if that is the look you’re specifically aiming for by lifting very heavy weights and adjusting your diet. The reality is that regular weight training with light weights will actually help you to get slimmer! In fact, if your aim is to lose a few (or a lot of) pounds, weight training is actually one of the best ways to do it; as you strengthen your muscles, you not only burn more calories during your training sessions, but you also increase your resting metabolism, so you continue to burn more calories afterwards!
Keep Old Age at Bay
Age-related muscle loss, called Sarcopenia, is a natural part of aging and after the age of 30, as much as 3% to 5% of muscle is lost per decade (Harvard Medical School). We can slow down the process of muscle loss through strength training and look forward to a long life of independence and mobility as we grow older. Strength training is extremely beneficial (for women in particular) to stay healthy and active at all ages – and particularly as we get older. These are the reasons I’ll be introducing more and more strength training options into our Bhangra fitness classes. Coupled with all the benefits of Bhangra, I’m sure we will (pardon the pun) go from strength to strength!
Bally Bhogal
BBX Fitness